Tiger Junior

I was busy working early one morning and noticed movement out the window.  I went to check and found a tiny grey and black striped cat looking remarkably like Tiger, my Dads cat .  He was about 1/10 the size of Tiger, sitting there on the step looking around, a little confused look on his face, as if to say,  Im sure I have the right address, they told me to come here, but where are the people with the chicken and cream for me to eat?

I followed him to the front of the house and quickly trapped him in a box.  From there to the bathroom where he finished a remarkably big meal of… yes, very nice chicken breast and my coffee cream.

It took about five minutes for him to realize I was his best friend.

He lives to play and loves other cats.  Boy, did he come to the right house!  He is absolutely in heaven with so many other cats to play with and torment.

Because he looks so much like Tiger, he is now known as TJ (Tiger Junior)!

Abby just LOVES this kitten.  We had a man come to the door this evening and picked up this sweet little guy, Abby started barking and growling, letting him know for sure that this is HER kitten!

Questions?  Call us at (813) 385-4595 or email to Lois.Croft@gmail.com