Ropy was our orange cat. One day I saw what I thought was Ropy playing on the tire of our truck. That was really unusual behavior for him so I got closer. Ropy was indeed there, but this was a kitten and Ropy was watching him. They seemed to get along very well and eventually Ropy brought him inside.
When the weather turned cold (Florida cold - 65 F) Kitty Boy got very sick. I took him to the vet and we got medication for him, but he crawled under the house to the most remote corner. My friend, Arthur, crawled on his belly all the way to where he was and brought him out so he could take his medicine and get better. This cat would get sick every time the weather turned cool so I ended up getting a large bottle of the antibiotic and keeping it in the freezer for him.
The last time he was so sick he just couldn’t fight it even with the antibiotic and we lost him late one night.