July 1, 2020
Ebony is on her way out. She is so very thin and although she had been eating four cans of cat food per day she now ony takes Half and Half cream. She won’t even take the heavy cream. She wakes up when I go into the kitchen and tries to follow me wherever I go, even into the garage. I don’t know if she is doing that because she thinks I can help her or if she’s trying to be friends at last. I give her eerything she wants as I probably only have a short time to do that.
April 3, 2020
I guess I’m not as scary as I thought. Mr. & Ms. Moxy are back in the greenhouse. They never actually went anywhere and have been there since mid March anyway. I just now took a look at the trail camera and can see that there are two birds and they were building a nest March 17 through March 19.
I read that both parents are involved with building the nest and it looks as if that is what is happening. They are using the birdhouse and I have given them dried meal worms, suet and water. I don’t see signs of them eating - maybe take out bird food is more to their liking!
The Eastern Bluebirds are still interested in the bird house on the front porch but I don’t see any nesting material going in, still house shopping. What I have read suggests that they pick out a site together and then the female is the one to build the nest and incubate the eggs.
March 31, 2020
The Wolves at Bays Mountain
The video is scrap but I love the audio. Turn up the volume!!
March 29, 2020
Last summer, a Carolina Wren nested in a hanging basket with geraniums on my front porch. I didn’t know this until at the end of the season when I brought the geranium in and saw the nest.
Mistake #1 Stupidly, I cleaned it out and put the plant in the greenhouse. A month or two ago, I went into the greenhouse and was startled by movement. It was a Carolina Wren. Had she found the geranium basket? Was she hoping to find the nest as she left it? Very sad if she did since it was now gone with the trash men.
In my enormus guilt, I bought her a little birdhouse and hung it in the greenhouse. I know she’s been back because I left bits of yarn for her in case she needed it for a nest and every day that had been moved and several seeding cups knocked to the ground.
Mistake #2 I was enjoing my greenhouse and thought it would be nice to have music. I put on Madam Butterfly and I admit it was a bit loud. She left and has not been back since. I guess she doesn’t like opera.
Since I had ruined this for her too, I bought another bird house and hung it on the porch where her previoius nest had been. I have not seen her, but yesterday there were two Eastern Bluebirds flitting around and looking into the box! They were here today too, but not looking in the box and as I don’t see them carrying any nesting materials, I would guess they are still house shopping. Hopefully they will choose somewhere that I can see them from my house.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Welcome! Cute little orphan cat!

I heard her crying outside and found her, abandoned (temporarily??) by her mother. I left her out for a bit because I have found that new mother cats often misplace their kittens and eventually come back looking for them. After it became apparent that wasn’t going to happen, I brought her in and took her to the vet. The mother did come back a few days later dragging another kitten by the scruff of it’s neck but at least this one, she remembered to take home with her.
This baby is a little over 3 weeks old, and she has just dicovered she has back legs. She stumbles around but I can already see a daily improvment in her ability to walk. She is also an escape artist. I left the zipper to her carrier open about two inches and she managed to squeeze her little self out and burrowed into my pillows.
She “plays” by laying on her back and waving arms and legs in the air and seems to be a very happy little girl. She is also great in the car. I had to take my kids to the airport so she had to come too. We left very early in the morning and my son was feeding her when she had a bit of an accident on his clothes. We stopped to find a restroom so he could clean up, but it was too early and it wasn’t open. I hope he found facilities at the airport!
Unfortunately she was covered in fleas and is too young for treatement so I am giving her baths to try to control them. Her first bath turned the water scarlet with the blood the fleas had generated but the vet said that she can have flea treatement at 8 weeks - just a little over 4 weeks to wait.
She is such a beautiful little cat. I hope I can find a nice home for her as I would hate to take her to the shelter. Any takers???