Chipping Sparrow

Date:  April 10, 2020

Location:  Jonesborough, Tennessee - Home

GPS Co-ordinates:   36.339781, -82.509418

Habitat:  Chipping Sparrows are found in a wide variety of open woodland habitats.  They are found in open forests or forest edges, especially coniferous forests.  They prefer forests with shrubby undergrowth.  Chipping Sparrows are common in suburban areas, urban areas, urban parks, orchards and other human0modified landscapes.    

Weather/Conditions:  Sunny and cold.

First Sighting:

Bird’s Actions: Feeding

Bird’s Appearance:

My Actions:  Observe and admire

Remarks:  Chipping Sparrows mainly eat seeds of a great variety of grasses and herbs.  During the breeding season they also hunt for protein rich insects, and these form a large part of their summer diet.  Chipping Sparrows sometimes eat small fruits such as cherries.  

Sparrow - 1 (1)

Questions?  Please call  (813) 385-4595