My family came from Scotland in the mid 1800’s. They were to come in 1850, but illness prevented the parents from making the long voyage and so two of the sons came in their place. They settled in Ontario, Canada, a mile or two east of Stratford. The log cabin that was built was eventually replaced by a brick home and, the family moved from NorthEastHope Twp to SouithEastHope Twp.
The MacCallum clan certainly lived up to it’s motto. They did some difficult things.
I think these may be some of their thoughts leaving Scotland:
"We spoke not as the shore grew less, But gazed in silence back, Where the long billows swept away, The foam behind our track” William L, Aytoun
"Love the land with love far brought from out the storied past and used within the present but transfused Thro’ future time by power of thought” Tennyson