New Baby
Prices Below, Scroll down to see!
To order, go to the "Contact Me' page and email your photograph, the item number and any special text you would like included. I will format your photo for your selected gift and email a proof for your approval!

CP500 or CB500 Bib (Specify Pink or blue) $9.99
CLSP501 Light Switch Cover Single $13.99
CLSP502 Light Switch Cover, Double $18.99
CEOCG01 Outlet Cover $12.99
CU5607 Photo Frame $42.99
CWP260CH Peg Rack with 4-4.25” square ceramic tiles $51.99
Ceramic tile 6”x8” $15.99
Tote Bags, (specify blue, black or red straps) 16.5”x16.5”
LBOXCO66M Mahogany keepsake box with 6”x6” tile $30.00
LBOXCO68M Mahogany keepsake box with 6”x8” tile $40.00